This web site consists of web sites dedicated to the related to the RESEARCH and EDUCATION of the Policy Analysis SIMULATION LAB, the EMA Workbench, the site of the e-book "Small System Dynamics Models for BIG Issues", and the System Dynamics Summer School that will be hosted from 16-18 July at Delft University of Technology.
- System Dynamics SUMMER SCHOOL - This link directs you to the System Dynamics Summer School (16-18 July 2014 @ TUDelft, NL)
- PA SIMULATION LAB - This link directs you to the research and education pages of the Policy Analysis SIMULATION LAB of the Policy Analysis Section of Delft University of Technology. The PA SIMULATION LAB is specialised in modelling, simulation, exploration/analysis, and strategic decision support for systems issues that are characterised by dynamic complexity and/or deep uncertainty.
- EMA Workbench - This link directs you to the web pages dedicated to our EMA Workbench. The EMA Workbench is...
- Small System Dynamics Models for BIG ISSUES - The Book: This link directs you to the web pages dedicated to the e-book for hands-on blended learning of basic System Dynamics skills.