ema workbench

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Exploratory Modelling and Analysis (EMA) Workbench

Exploratory Modeling and Analysis (EMA) is a research methodology that uses computational experiments to analyze complex and uncertain systems (Bankes, 1993).That is, exploratory modeling aims at offering computational decision support for decision making under deep uncertainty and Robust decision making.

The EMA workbench is aimed at providing support for doing EMA on models developed in various modelling packages and environments. Currently, we focus on offering support for doing EMA on models developed in Vensim, Excel, and Python. Future plans include support for Netlogo and Repast. The EMA workbench offers support for designing experiments, performing the experiments - including support for parallel processing-, and analysing the results. A key design principle is that people should be able to perform EMA on normal computers, instead of having to take recourse to a HPC.

The Exploratory Modeling and Analysis (EMA) Workbench is an evolving set of tools and methods. It evolved out of code written by Jan Kwakkel for his PhD research. The EMA workbench is implemented in Python and relies on Numpy and Scipy.

Workbench Content

Simulation Control

  • Vensim controller (vensim): This enables controlling (e.g. setting parameters, simulation setup, run, get output, etc.) a simulation model that is built in Vensim software, and conducting an EMA study based on this model.
  • Excel controller (excel): This enables controlling models build in Excel.
  • NetLogo controller (Status: Planned, Related module: None, Contact: Gonenc Yucel): This enables controlling (e.g. setting parameters, simulation setup, run, get output, etc.) a simulation model that is built in NetLogo software, and conducting an EMA study based on this model.
  • RePast controller (Status: Planned)


  • Patient Rule Induction Method (prim)

  • Feature Selection (orangeFunctions)

  • Classification Trees (orangeFunctions)

  • Random Forrests (orangeFunctions)

  • Self organizing maps (status: planned)

  • Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (status: planned)

  • Behaviour clustering (clusterer): This analysis feature automatically allocates output behaviours that are similar in characteristics to groups (i.e. clusters). ‘Similarity’ between dynamic behaviours is defined using distance functions, and the feature can operate using different distance functions that measure the (dis)similarity very differently. Currently available distances are as follows;

    • Behaviour Mode Distance (distance_gonenc()): A distance that focuses purely on qualitative pattern features. For example, two S-shaped curves that are very different in initial level, take-off point, final value, etc. are evaluated as identical according to BM distance since both have identical qualitaive characteristics of an S-shaped behaviour (i.e. a constant early phase, then growth with increasing rate, then growth with decreasing rate and terminate with a constant late phase) on their differences in these three features.
    • Sum of squared error (distance_sse()): See any statistics text.
    • Mean square error (distance_mse()): See any statistics text.


  • lines, envelopes, multiplot graphs (graphs)
  • envelopes3d (graphs3d)
  • Interactive plots (interactive_graphs):
  • regret analysis along the lines of Lempert et al. (2003) Shaping the next 100 years. (status: beta, related module: regret.py Contact: Jan Kwakkel)

Exploratory Modeling and Analysis (EMA)

Exploratory Modeling and Analysis (EMA) is a research methodology that uses computational experiments to analyze complex and uncertain systems (Bankes, 1993, 1994). EMA can be understood as searching or sampling over an ensemble of models that are plausible, given a priori knowledge or are otherwise of interest. This ensemble may often be large or infinite in size. Consequently, the central challenge of exploratory modeling is the design of search or sampling strategies that support valid conclusions or reliable insights based on a limited number of computational experiments.

EMA can be contrasted with the use of models to predict system behavior, where models are built by consolidating known facts into a single package (Hodges, 1991). When experimentally validated, this single model can be used for analysis as a surrogate for the actual system. Examples of this approach include the engineering models that are used in computer-aided design systems. Where applicable, this consolidative methodology is a powerful technique for understanding the behavior of complex systems. Unfortunately, for many systems of interest, the construction of models that may be validly used as surrogates is simply not a possibility. This may be due to a variety of factors, including the infeasibility of critical experiments, impossibility of accurate measurements or observations, immaturity of theory, openness of the system to unpredictable outside perturbations, or nonlinearity of system behavior, but is fundamentally a matter of not knowing enough to make predictions (Campbell et al., 1985; Hodges and Dewar, 1992). For such systems, a methodology based on consolidating all known information into a single model and using it to make best estimate predictions can be highly misleading.

EMA can be useful when relevant information exists that can be exploited by building models, but where this information is insufficient to specify a single model that accurately describes system behavior. In this circumstance, models can be constructed that are consistent with the available information, but such models are not unique. Rather than specifying a single model and falsely treating it as a reliable image of the target system, the available information is consistent with a set of models, whose implications for potential decisions may be quite diverse. A single model run drawn from this potentially infinite set of plausible models is not a prediction; rather, it provides a computational experiment that reveals how the world would behave if the various guesses any particular model makes about the various unresolvable uncertainties were correct. EMA is the explicit representation of the set of plausible models, the process of exploiting the information contained in such a set through a large number of computational experiments, and the analysis of the results of these experiments.

A set, universe, or ensemble of models that are plausible or interesting in the context of the research or analysis being conducted is generated by the uncertainties associated with the problem of interest, and is constrained by available data and knowledge. ExploratoryModelingAndAnalysis can be viewed as a means for inference from the constraint information that specifies this set or ensemble. Selecting a particular model out of an ensemble of plausible ones requires making suppositions about factors that are uncertain or unknown. One such computational experiment is typically not that informative (beyond suggesting the plausibility of its outcomes). Instead, EMA supports reasoning about general conclusions through the examination of the results of numerous such experiments. Thus, EMA can be understood as search or sampling over the ensemble of models that are plausible given a priori knowledge.