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Code author: jhkwakkel <j.h.kwakkel (at) tudelft (dot) nl>

This module provides functionality for generating various 3d graphs, using mayavi.


graphs3d.envelopes3d(results, outcome, policy=None, logSpace=False, ymin=None, ymax=None)

Function for making 3d envelopes. In contrast to the envelopes in graphs, this version shows the density for every time step, instead of only for the end state. Note that this function makes an envelope for only 1 outcome. Moreover, it cannot plot the 3d envelopes for different policies into the same figure Thus, for comparing different policies, make separate 3d envelopes for each policy and put them side by side for comparison.

  • results – The return from perform_experiments().
  • outcome – The name of outcome of interest for which you want to make the 3d envelopes.
  • policy – Optional argument, if provided, only for that particular policy the envelope is calculated. It is recommended that this argument is provided if there are indeed multiple policies.
  • logSpace – boolean, if true, the log of the input data is used
  • ymin – if provided, lower bound for the KDE, if not, ymin = np.min(results.get(outcome))
  • ymax – if provided, lower bound for the KDE, if not, ymax = np.max(results.get(outcome))

the following code snippet

>>> import expWorkbench.util as util
>>> data = util.load_results(r'100 flu cases.cPickle')
>>> outcome = 'deceased population region 1'
>>> policy = 'adaptive policy'
>>> envelopes3d(data, outcome=outcome, policy=policy)

generates the following mayavi scene. It can be further edited using the mayavi pipeline



graphs3d.envelopes3d_group_by(results, outcome, groupBy='policy', discretesize=None, logSpace=False, ymin=None, ymax=None)

Function for making 3d envelopes. In contrast to the envelopes in graphs, this version shows the density for every time step, instead of only for the end state. Note that this function makes an envelope for only 1 outcome. This envelopes will group the results based on the specified uncertainty. The user can supply a discretesize function to control the grouping in case of parameterUncertainties. This function will make a separate envelope for each group.

  • results – The return from run experiments().
  • outcome – Specify the name of outcome of interest for which you want to make the 3d envelopes.
  • groupBy – The uncertainty to group by. (default=policy)
  • discretesize – a discretesize function to control the grouping in case of parameterUncertainties
  • logSpace – Boolean, if true, the log of the input data is used
  • ymin – If provided, lower bound for the KDE, if not, ymin = np.min(results.get(outcome))
  • ymax – If provided, lower bound for the KDE, if not, ymax = np.max(results.get(outcome))


graphs3d.lines3d(results, outcomes, policy=None)

Function for making a 3d lines plot. This function will plot the 2 supplied outcomes against each other over time. It will try to use TIME if provided.

  • results – The return from perform_experiments().
  • outcome – The name of outcome of interest for which you want to make the 3d lines.
  • policy – Optional argument, if provided, only for that particular policy the lines are visualized. It is recommended that this argument is provided if there are indeed multiple policies.

Code based on mayavi example


graphs3d.scatter3d(results, outcomes, policy=None)

Function for making a 3d scatter plots. This function will plot the 3 supplied outcomes against each other over time. If the data is a time series, end states will be used.

  • results – The return from perform_experiments().
  • outcomes – The names of the 3 outcomes of interest that are to be plotted.
  • policy – Optional argument, if provided, only for that particular policy the scatter plot is generated. It is recommended that this argument is provided if there are indeed multiple policies.